Geracho Arias

Geracho Arias was born in a town on the slopes of Chimborazo many years ago. His childhood and adolescence were marked by reading poems, stories and novels from his father’s library.
When he finished school, overnight, he decided that he wanted to be a painter because he had read about the painter Paul Gauguin.


He studied at the Faculty of Plastic Arts, and after finishing his art studies at the University, he left for a small fishing island located in the Pacific Ocean. After living 14 years on the small island, one day civilization and progress arrived, and in a short time it destroyed and devastated everything and everyone.


The artist now lives and works near Quito, the capital of Ecuador

If you are interested in purchasing one of Gerachos art pieces, please use our online form or send us an email to let us know and we will get back to you right away.

We may send you additional pictures with measurements and prices; we can also discuss payment and shipping options.